Public, Admin & Defence Industry
Public, Admin & Defence Industry?
Public, Admin & Defence Industry includes activities of a governmental nature, normally carried out by the public administration. This includes the enactment and judicial interpretation of laws and their pursuant regulation, as well as the administration of programmes based on them, legislative activities, taxation, national defence, public order and safety, immigration services, foreign affairs and the administration of government programmes.
The legal or institutional status is not, in itself, the determining factor for an activity to belong in this section, rather than the activity being of a nature specified in the previous paragraph. This means that activities classified elsewhere in NACE do not fall under this section, even if carried out by public entities.
It covers civil and criminal law courts, taxation, national defence, public order and safety, immigration service, foreign affairs, the administration of government programmes and compulsory social security activities.
Public, Admin & Defence

General public administration activities

Regulation of the activities of providing health care, education,

Regulation of and contribution to more efficient operation of businesses

Foreign affairs

Defence activities

Justice and judicial activities

Public order and safety activities

Fire service activities
Role of Shamkris
A Project Report is a document that provides details on the overall picture of the proposed business. The project report gives an account of the project proposal to ascertain the prospects of the proposed plan/activity.
Shamkris will provide a Project report covering Industry License requirements, competitor analysis, Land requirements, machinery requirements, equipment requirements, and financial requirements.
Some of the areas covered in the project report are outlined below:
- Introduction
- Project Description
- Uses and Applications
- Market Survey
- Raw Materials
- Manufacturing Process
- Process Description
- Process Flow Diagram
- Plant Layout
- Details of Plant & Machinery
- Suppliers of Raw Materials
- Suppliers of Plant & Machinery
- Plant Location Factors
- Land & building Required
- Power and Water Required
- Details of Manpower Required
- Financials of the Project
- License and application Certificate
Financials of the Project includes:
- Land and Building Costs
- Plant and Machinery Costs
- Other Fixed Assets
- Fixed Capital Investment
- Raw Material Costs
- Salaries and Wages
- Total Working Capital
- Cost of Project
- Total Capital Investment
- Cost of Production
- Turnover per Annum
- Profitability Analysis
- 5-year Profit Analysis
- Break-even Point
- Resources of Finance
- Cash Flow Statement
- Projected Balance Sheet
Key types of public administration include; Classical Public Administration, New Public Management, and lastly the Postmodern Public Administration.