Shamkris Global Group


What is Phytosanitary License?

Phytosanitary certification is used to attest that consignments meet phytosanitary (regarding plants) import requirements and is undertaken by an NPPO (National Plant Protection Organization). A phytosanitary certificate for export or for re-export can be issued only by a public officer who is technically qualified and duly authorized by an NPPO (ISPM 12).

A phytosanitary certificate for export is usually issued by the NPPO of the country where the plants, plant products, or regulated articles were grown or processed (1). Phytosanitary certificates are issued to indicate that consignments of plants, plant products, or other regulated articles meet specified phytosanitary import requirements and are in conformity with the certifying statement of the appropriate model certificate. Phytosanitary certificates should only be issued for this purpose.

Why this License is Required?

Phytosanitary certificates are issued to indicate that consignments of plants, plant products or other regulated articles meet specified phytosanitary import requirements and are in conformity with the certifying statement of the appropriate model certificate.

Who can get a Phytosanitary License




Fruits and Vegetables

Cut Flowers




Document Required for Phytosanitary License

Role of Shamkris and Process of Phytosanitary License

Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to compliance with mandatory licence requirements in the organization. A simple and guidance methodology help organisation to achieve licence in a timely manner and cost-effective. Shamkris support 100% in advisory, Guidance, Compliance with respect to license requirements to obtain approval.

The License process described below:

Advisory for the document required

Preparation of documents as per application & list of documents.

Application File

Inspection by the department if required

Liason department

License issued

Yearly Compliance if Applicable

Renewal when due


They are prepared by the exporter, and issued by departmental authorised officers. Since the phase out of manual certificates in mid-2014, exporters have been required to use third-party software to issue phytosanitary certificates from EXDOC or electronic phytosanitary certificates.

Phytosanitary certificates should only be issued for this purpose. … Importing countries should only require phytosanitary certificates for regulated articles. These include commodities such as plants, bulbs and tubers, or seeds for propagation, fruits and vegetables, cut flowers and branches, grain, and growing medium.
A phytosanitary certificate is an official document that verifies a commodity has been inspected by an authorized official and found to be relatively free of pests and pathogens. The literal definition of “phytosanitary” is plant (phyto) free of elements that endanger health (sanitary).