Shamkris Global Group


What is PCPNDT License?

Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to stop female foeticides and arrest the declining sex ratio in India. The act banned prenatal sex determination.

Every genetic counselling centre, genetic laboratory or genetic clinic engaged in counselling or conducting pre-natal diagnostics techniques, like in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with the potential of sex selection (Preimplantation genetic diagnosis) before and after conception comes under the preview of the PCPNDT Act and are banned.

Why this License is Required?

PCPNDT  is required in order to check female foeticide. It is prohibited to determine and disclose the sex of foetus . It is also prohibited to give out any sort of advertisements and promotion relating to pre-natal determination of sex. The person who contravenes the provisions of the PCPNDT Act is punishable with imprisonment and fine.

Who can get PCPNDT License?


Maternity homes

Nursing homes


Document Required for PCPNDT License

Role of Shamkris and Process of PCPNDT License

Shamkris adopts a results-oriented approach to compliance with mandatory licence requirements in the organization. A simple and guidance methodology help organisation to achieve licence in a timely manner and cost-effective. Shamkris support 100% in advisory, Guidance, Compliance with respect to license requirements to obtain approval.

The License process described below:

Advisory for the document required

Preparation of documents as per application & list of documents.

Application File

Inspection by the department if required

Liason department

License issued

Yearly Compliance if Applicable

Renewal when due

Who can issue the PCPNDT License?


A PCPNDT (Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques) License is the registration of a
clinical establishment (hospital, nursing home, diagnostic centre or single-doctor clinic) which uses
Ultrasonography (USG). The registration is done by the Government .
It is necessary to have a CE License before applying for a PCPNDT License

It is required in order to check female foeticide. It is prohibited to determine and disclose the sex
of foetus . It is also prohibited to give out any sort of advertisements and promotion relating to pre-natal
determination of sex. The person who contravenes the provisions of the PCPNDT Act is punishable with
imprisonment and fine.

The following are the various types of Clinical Establishments that require a License:
 Hospitals
 Maternity homes
 Nursing homes
 Clinics