Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing
What is Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Industry?
The Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing Industry sector plays a vital role in our economy and our lives. It supplies us and many other countries with a wide variety of food products and non-food products such as fibers, lumber, and nursery items. It contributes positively to our foreign trade balance and it remains one of the Nation’s larger industries in terms of total employment. However, technology continues to enable us to produce more of these products with fewer workers, resulting in fewer farms and farmworkers.
Goods and services. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing includes two large subsectors—crop production and animal production—plus three smaller subsectors—forestry and logging, fishing, and agricultural support activities. Crop production includes farms that mainly grow crops used for food and fiber, while animal production includes farms and ranches that raise animals for sale or for animal products.
The fishing subsector includes mainly fishers that catch fish and shellfish to sell, while the forestry and logging subsector includes establishments that grow, harvest, and sell timber. The agricultural support activities subsector includes establishments that perform any number of agricultural-related activities, such as soil preparation, planting, harvesting, or management on a contract or fee basis.
Establishments in agriculture, forestry, and fishing include farms, ranches, dairies, greenhouses, nurseries, orchards, and hatcheries. The operators, or people who run these agricultural businesses, typically either own the land in production or they lease the land from the owner. But production may also take place in the country’s natural habitats and on government-owned lands and waterways, as in the case of logging, cattle-grazing, and fishing.
Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing Industry
Growing of cereals
Leguminous Crops
Oil Seeds
Growing of rice
Growing of vegetables and melons
Growing of sugar cane
Growing of tobacco
Growing of fibre crops
Growing of other non-perennial crops
Growing of grapes
Growing of tropical and subtropical fruits
Growing of citrus fruits
Growing of pome fruits and stone fruits
Growing of other tree and bush fruits and nuts
Growing of oleaginous fruits
Growing of beverage crops
Growing of spices, aromatic, drug and pharmaceutical crops
Growing of other perennial crops
Plant propagation
Raising of dairy cattle
Raising of other cattle and buffaloes
Raising of horses and other equines
Raising of camels and camelids
Raising of sheep and goats
Raising of swine/pigs
Raising of poultry
Raising of other animals
Mixed farming
Support activities for crop production
Freshwater aquaculture
Post-harvest crop activities
Seed processing for propagation
Hunting, trapping and related service activities
Silviculture and other forestry activities
Gathering of wild growing non-wood products
Support services to forestry
Marine fishing
Freshwater fishing
Marine aquaculture
Role of Shamkris
A Project Report is a document that provides details on the overall picture of the proposed business. The project report gives an account of the project proposal to ascertain the prospects of the proposed plan/activity.
Shamkris will provide a Project report covering Industry License requirements, competitor analysis, Land requirements, machinery requirements, equipment requirements, and financial requirements.
Some of the areas covered in the project report are outlined below:
- Introduction
- Project Description
- Uses and Applications
- Market Survey
- Raw Materials
- Manufacturing Process
- Process Description
- Process Flow Diagram
- Plant Layout
- Details of Plant & Machinery
- Suppliers of Raw Materials
- Suppliers of Plant & Machinery
- Plant Location Factors
- Land & building Required
- Power and Water Required
- Details of Manpower Required
- Financials of the Project
- License and application Certificate
Financials of the Project includes:
- Land and Building Costs
- Plant and Machinery Costs
- Other Fixed Assets
- Fixed Capital Investment
- Raw Material Costs
- Salaries and Wages
- Total Working Capital
- Cost of Project
- Total Capital Investment
- Cost of Production
- Turnover per Annum
- Profitability Analysis
- 5-year Profit Analysis
- Break-even Point
- Resources of Finance
- Cash Flow Statement
- Projected Balance Sheet
Fish farming is a form of aquaculture in which fish are raised in enclosures to be sold as food. It is the fastest growing area of animal food production. The damage caused by fish farms varies, depending on the type of fish, how it is raised and fed, the size of the production, and where the farm is located.